Suicide Prevention | Emergency Services
Call 000 if your life is in danger or attend a hospital.
Help is available!
National Crisis Services
NSW Crisis Services
If you need help now, call one of the following services:
- Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463
- Child Protection Helpline 13 21 11
- Link2home Homelessness 1800 152 152
- Disaster Welfare Services 1800 018 444
- NSW Elder Abuse Helpline 1800 628 221
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Lifeline 13 1114
- NSW Victims Access Line 1800 633 063
- Emergency services 000
Disclaimer: This information relates to Australian services, is not exhaustive, and was correct at the time of publishing. However, our organisation takes no responsibility for broken links, errors or omissions. Please conduct your own website search should a link become broken, or if you require a different service in event of a crisis, or call Lifeline 13 11 14 and ask for a referral to the appropriate service for your circumstances. Stay safe and well.
Find and Access Support
Need help in another state, but not quite sure which is the right service for you?
- Head to Health 1800 595 212
- I need help now Crisis links, CALD and language support
Do you care for a family member or friend? Did you know you can access free support from Carer Gateway? Carers might be supporting someone with dementia, a mental health condition, a disability, a medical condition or someone who is becoming more frail as they age. Carers can include – a parent, sibling, partner, child or friend.
Carer Gateway offers services including government funded:
Carer Gateway offers services including government funded:
- Access to emergency respite if you are injured or become ill. You may be entitled to up to $3000 in respite annually, this may equate to about 7 days where the carer can get out away from the home for a while.
- Face to face and online peer support groups
- Support packages, including planned respite, cleaning and or transport services tailored for you
- Face to face or phone counselling
- Self-guided coaching
- Online skills courses; and
- If you have different communication needs, Carer Gateway is accessible in a variety of forms, including:
- Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) for people whose first language is not English
- Easy Read fact sheets for people with lower literacy or who have trouble reading; and
- National Relay Service for people with a hearing, speech or vision impairment.
Useful Links
If you can't see the forest for the trees contact us today. We can help refer and connect you to supports
Whole Warrior Solutions
Useful Community Services Links
Empowering futures, together
You are not alone